Will Factions ever receive a bad update? Depending on who you ask, that's all it gets, but I'm loving every second of it! Every time there's an update, there's so many great ins-and-outs of it. I love getting lost in those details. SPEAKING OF WHICH, LOTS of cool updates this map! Crowd control mechanics are finally coming into play (like I wish they had sooner (Not that I ever made a suggestion ticket for it)) with the use of breeze charges. While they don't cause damage they launch the player it hits. Being able to create some distance between yourself and the attacker will be crucial. More importantly however, in order to use them you have to lower your blast protection through a new command. Could this be the return off the throwable creeper egg meta? I mean, if they don't have blast protection... Also, a lot of players seem to think that Maces will be the new weapon of choice? I personally don't see it. You have to drop 17 blocks just to kill a full Protection IV Netherite player. How's that going to work with the Protection 10 or 20 custom armor sets? I just don't see that working even with the Density and Wind Burst Enchants. Still, who knows? Not like I'm a PvPer by any means! I will say I'm not very familiar with the mace mechanics nor it's McMMO abilities/passives. If it doesn't work in water though than that pretty much makes it useless during raid week. I can see where it might break the Warden event though! One thing is for certain, trap PvP will become the meta again with all off the knockback possibilities. Moving away from the PvP aspect though, there's a new potion stacker wand. With storage not being an issue now, maybe auto-brewers will start receiving more updates from the playerbase to capitalize on it. Although, I can see how that might damage the potion economy. Still, that's just how the game goes.
After looking into some of the PvP updates that Factions experienced while I was gone it made me curious so I looked more into them. I forgot to mention the awesome new /f rally command! What a godsend! Now it's not only fast typers (Looking at you, MarkMyWords) that are able to ask for help in Warzone when they're getting attacked. Also, the damage that charged creepers inflict is much less which definitely alters the PvP environment. No more 2-shotting G-sets (At least as easily). I'm also happy to see there's only 3 shield times available now, which changes the shield-swapping meta that so many factions used. Probably the most exciting change for me though is that new players who don't have a /shop rank get 3 hours of Beginner's Protection (Keep Inventory) when they join the map! I'm actually thrilled to finally see InsanityCraft give new players a fighting chance. Hopefully a change will come that includes letting the new players keep the 10% balance normally lost when they die too. You seriously need every penny when you're first starting out.
Between college, I've been looking through the changelogs for Factions (Thank you JH if you're reading this. LOVED being able to find all the important information in one area rather than hopping around, searching). Plenty of cool stuff! Players are no longer taken out of combat when they're killed by mobs which means there might finally be some opportunity for mob turrets (Like Guardians, Skeletons, and Blazes) like I've been wanting to do! This could be a pretty cool change to base defenses and traps. There's also plenty of PvP changes! Fishing rods work, bow boosting is gone, cobweb launchers last twice as long, etc. I'm still not a PvPer, nor will I ever be (Unless it's a snowball duel. In that case, square up) but I still think this could make for some more intense fights (Hopefully)! On a similar note, you can't upgrade your truce limit anymore, which means there's less PvP allies! Can't wait to see what the PvP environment has turned into while I've been gone!
Hi Politicize, I really enjoyed reading your response, especially when it comes to the recent changelogs regarding Insanity Craft factions. Although this is my first time hearing about mob turrets, it can definitely impact overall PVP and would be interesting to implement. On a high note, we did recently implement an exciting new meta change called aura top. According to JHarris, "For every Aura a faction has, their FTop is boosted by 0.1%. So let's say your Faction has an FTop value of $10m and also has 300 Aura... Your FTop will be boosted by 30% and therefore have $13m! This means that grinding and placing on the leaderboards can allow factions will less spawners to have a higher FTop than factions with more spawners!" (JHarris, 2024) One thing I would like to especially highlight is the dilemma when it comes to the aura top 50 gbp payout. Since only one member from each faction can win aura from each respective leaderboard, it would "technically" be better for you to create a solo faction to boost your personal aura. However, the aura boost only takes into effect with the faction you're in by the end of the reset cycle. So it definitely poses the question "What defines you?" On one hand, you could by all means be greedy and create a solo faction for a chance to win that 50 gbp. However on the other hand, you can also stay with your faction, maybe earn less personal aura, but overall help your faction get a chance for that 200 gbp voucher. Any thoughts on that? Thanks.
6 months ago
Hi Jewik, unfortunately your reply is a little under the word limit. However, the proper citations and the lack of grammatical errors saved you. I've gone ahead and given you an 85%. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions
6 months ago
Finally coming back to InsanityCraft! So much of Factions has changed it's kind of overwhelming xD. I got so used to being able to leave IC and come back without anything having changed aside from the players. Now there's new events, new worlds, new commands, and too many quality of life updates to count! It's somewhat exciting but it'll be interesting to see if the player base has changed with the server or if it's the same old, rumor-spreading, toxic community. Fingers-crossed that it's changed for the better!
POLI!!! Miss you! :D
Haven't posted in a bit. Today's my birthday and my graduation so I thought if there was a day to post updates, today was it xD . For a gift, I was given a new PC. I'll be investing into some new monitors, a PC stand, and a desk (As I currently use a piece of plywood that was drilled into the wall). After that, I'm hoping to get back into IC like I used to. Another part of me though feels like it's time to move on from the server. It's fun to play on, but given all the recent events that have been happening with the player base it might just be better to cut my losses before my opinion on IC sours. We'll see what I choose though I guess.
Next March I think the staff should bring back the Mystery Crate as the monthly crate. Maybe make it so you can win a single reclaimable crate key xD
I want... a Storytime crate. Maybe with like an Excalibur Sword, and a Boat Spawner in Factions for Moby Dick... I don't know man. Bizarre stuff to keep things fresh and exciting
More and more updates to Factions! Too many to keep track. xD So, Factions is receiving a Meta Update which almost all players I've spoken to are supportive of! Every faction can have a maximum of 5k spawners placed. This creates more raid-focused gameplay which is what Factions has been needing! Could it possibly encourage InsanityCraft to finally create/implement a cannon.jar file? Hopefully?? Probably not. Anyway, with the new meta comes a few new events which grant spawner boosts. One of which is the Mecca Dragon, which is sweet! Another will be the Outpost, which makes sense. What I want to focus on though is the last event which will be a Battle Royale? I'm just trying to think of what it will be like! The announcement mentions a preset kit! Will it be unique? Will it be a Weekly duel kit? Maybe a rank kit? Will this event replace/take over the /warp PvP ? The announcement also says that each faction will have it's own spawn point? Will they be evenly spaced or similar to the crates in crate events? Will the larger factions be placed in one section while smaller factions are placed in a separate one to create an even playing field? Or can smaller factions expect to get wiped within the first few minutes as they spawn between two massive factions? What about the issue of allies? In the announcement, it says that faction members won't be able to harm one another but what does that mean for allies? Will there be some coding to make it where allies can attack one another?... I can see that leading to a few bugs. Furthermore, if this all works out then will it open a way to other gamemodes like CTF? There's a lot to consider with these massive changes and it'll be interesting to see how IC proceeds!
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