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InsanityCraft Rules

Please use the tabs above to view the rules for all of our realms

InsanityCraft Global Rules

These rules apply to ALL realms on InsanityCraft unless stated otherwise in the specific rule


Rule Disclaimers

  1. The rules list is non-exhaustive and subject to change. Staff may issue punishments for behavior not explicitly covered in the rules, subject to senior staff review.
  2. Punishments for breaking any rules can range from a warning to an IP ban. Some rule breaks are considered especially significant and will have punishments start at a much harsher level.

  3. Punishments stack, causing minor rule breaks to have severe consequences for repeated issues.

  4. Punishments are issued for accounts breaking the rules. Other players breaking the rules is not permission for you to break the rules. This includes situations of you “defending yourself”. 

  5. Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse or pass to break the rules.

  6. Joking about breaking the rules, bypassing the rules by any means, or being in the knowledge of another person breaking the rules without reporting it will be treated as if you were breaking the rule in reality.

  7. If you are reporting a rule violation, you must provide proof to the best of your ability. Staff will not hunt through the logs to provide your proof for you. We will verify your proof with our own information. If asked for, the proof will be provided to the offending player so ensure that you mask any sensitive/identifying information in your report (such as base coords, your In Game Name (IGN) if you want to remain anonymous, etc).

  8. Discussion of punishments (aside from simply informing someone of a punishment status as needed) outside of a staff ticket is not allowed. What constitutes discussion is based solely on staff discretion.

  9. Any discussion around a staff decision must occur in a discord ticket in a mature and cooperative fashion.

  10. IC does not moderate areas that are not IC spaces (our server and/or our discord). If a specific rule can be reported for violations outside our spaces, it will be noted.

Chat / Community Interaction Rules

Note: These rules apply anywhere that text can be seen in game or in Discord, unless otherwise noted. This includes, but is not limited to: in game chat, party/island/faction chats, private messages, signs, item/mob names. They also apply at all times, regardless if it’s meant seriously or “just joking” with a friend/other player. Rules surrounding item names apply to the possession, display, or naming of the item.

  1. English only where it can be seen publicly (in main chat, on signs, on renamed items/mobs, etc). Private channels (PMs, party/island/faction chat) are allowed to be in any language, so long as all other chat rules are adhered to.

  2. Speak respectfully to/about others.

    1. No cursing at/about players, staff, or the server.
    2. No abusive language involving disabilities, sexuality, gender identity, sex, or race. This includes any term that has a significant negative connotation, regardless of intended use.
    3. No intentionally annoying others (including not stopping something after being asked to stop). 
  3. No advertising (included but not limited to)

    1. Socials (insta, twitch, etc). It is allowed to have an In Game Name that matches your social account.
    2. Other servers (IPs, Discords, or actively encouraging someone to join)
    3. InsanityCraft on other servers
    4. Staff discount codes (except for INSANITY. Rule does not apply to staff).
  4. Content Restrictions

    1. No politics
    2. No religion
    3. No sexual chat
    4. No inappropriate or disturbing chat (per staff discretion)
    5. No spam (including excessively repeated letters, punctuation, phrases; intentionally splitting a sentence in multiple messages instead of a single message)
    6. No discriminatory language (racism, sexism, homophobia etc)
    7. Bypassing/attempting to bypass the chat filter
    8. Continued use of filtered words that you have attempted and have been filtered in the past
    9. No special characters used in a spammy manner. This usage is subject to staff discretion.
    10. No use of custom or non-English fonts.
    11. No discussion of gambling or casinos. This applicability is subject to staff discretion.
  5. Any talk of DDOS, cyber attacks, real life threats, or doxxing is strictly not allowed.

    1. Any breaking of this rule is considered a serious infraction and will be handled the same regardless of the seriousness of the talk or if it’s said as a joke among friends.
    2. This rule is subject to moderation in non-IC spaces. The reporter must be able to provide clear information showing the threat, the person making the threat, and sufficient information to tie them to a player on our server as determined by staff on a case-by-case basis. If reported from a non-IC space, it must meet one of the following:
      1. Extreme threats directly targeted to a member of the server
      2. Incites extreme violence directly targeted to a member of the server
      3. Is a major dox of a member of the server
    3. Protected personal information includes
      1. Full names (use of just first OR last name with no other information is not necessarily a violation. Staff will determine the applicability of the rule here)
      2. Addresses (home, IP, work, etc)
      3. Workplace details
      4. Phone numbers
      5. Social security/governmental ID numbers
      6. Bank account or credit/debit card information
      7. Private correspondence not involving the releasing party
      8. Criminal history
      9. Personal photos (without explicit limited written consent or if the photo hasn’t been posted publicly elsewhere)
      10. Embarrassing personal details (staff will determine the applicability of the rule here)
  6. Leaving pets in any area where the owner of the land (decided by Sr Staff) does not want them are subject to be killed without return. This includes any official server areas like spawns, arenas, etc.

Build Rules

  1. Builds must adhere to chat rules. This covers things like building sexual objects, racist builds, etc.

  2. Any build with the design to slow down/crash the server or a player’s client is not allowed.

    1. Any breaking of this rule is considered a serious infraction and will be handled the same regardless of the specific intent behind the build.

    2. 0 tick farms are included in this rule, even though they aren’t designed to slow/crash the system. The server will automatically break such devices.

Account / Alt Account Rules

  1. Non-premium accounts are not supported by the server. While not against the rules, we will not provide any assistance in transferring anything to/from these accounts in the event you lose access.

  2. Use of non-premium accounts or websites that offer free/low cost mass alts to give your main account benefits (such as quest completion, vouchers, etc) are not allowed and will result in punishment to your main account as well as any involved alt account(s).

  3. As Microsoft/Mojang do not support account sales, we do not allow the advertisement of these offers nor will we do anything to support them (no transfers of anything, no adjustment of punishment history, etc). 

  4. While not against the rules, we strongly advise against sharing your username/password with anyone else. Anything done by your account is non-reversible, regardless of who was actually signed in. This includes loss of items, use of vouchers/keys/etc, or deletion of claims/islands/factions.

Glitches / Exploits / Illegal Activity Rules

Note: Breaking of hack rules is considered a significant infraction.

  1. Possession of hacked clients, texture/resource packs offering unfair gameplay advantages, auto clickers, or any cheat active on your account while online in IC is not allowed, regardless if they are actively in use. Unfair advantage is, for the most part, something that allows you to behave in a way that is not available in vanilla Minecraft (without the use of game glitches) and is at staff discretion and may change based on provision of new information.

  2. Use of any means or mechanism of allowing a mouse or keyboard button to be continually triggered without the presence of a player is not allowed. This includes but is not limited to weights/objects holding the key down, keystroke commands to act as if a key is being pressed, or any software that sends multiple instances of a keystroke for one press of a button. Staff will use several methods to determine if you’re AFK clicking. If you’re unable to respond or fail to respond to these methods, it will be treated as if you are AFK clicking, so actively paying attention to what you’re doing is important.

  3. Macros or scripts are allowed except for the following scenarios

    1. Auto-joining
    2. Any macro that sends more than one command per run
    3. Any macro that can be toggled to repeatedly send a command
  4. Use, abuse, or unreported knowledge of another player using/abusing any exploit is not allowed. Any exploit must be reported to staff via a Discord ticket immediately upon discovery. This includes and covers any action that results in an unexpected or unintended result.

    1. Staff may deem an exploit minor and not subject to the normal hack punishment minimums. This is solely on staff discretion and subject to senior staff review.
    2. Reports of a glitch must satisfy all of the following:
      1. Provide a method to observe the glitch. Can be a video or clear instructions to allow staff to replicate the glitch. You must provide one or the other. You may provide both.
      2. Failure to provide a replication method/proof of existence will result in no action being taken.
      3. If it is deemed closed without replacement/compensation possible due to not being replicable, and replication is discovered later, we may be able to replace/compensate the loss via a new ticket. It isn’t guaranteed, but may be possible.
  5. Loss of a Dragon Egg by interaction after placement is not considered a glitch and will not result in replacement or compensation.

Punished Account Rules

  1. Use of alt accounts during a ban is not allowed.

    1. Violation of this rule will result in a minimum of a matching punishment to the alt account, but may result in extended punishment on all accounts.
    2. This rule does NOT apply to situations where you are banned for an inappropriate In Game Name.
  2. Any method of sending messages visible to players in chat or a specific player to bypass a mute is not allowed.

    1. Includes: having other accounts speak for you, using item names, warp names/descriptions, nicknames, death messages, mob names, etc.
    2. Use of signs or books during a mute IS allowed for general communication, provided they are not used to continue breaking rules; complaining about the punishment, staff, server, players, or rules; discussion of the punishment aside from informing someone of your mute status.
  3. Unreported knowledge or aiding in punishment evasion is not allowed. If the lack of report or aid in evasion results in advantage to yourself, it will be treated as a significant infraction.

  4. Bypassing in-game mutes using the Discord <-> Server chat channels (if you have access to them) is not allowed.

Scamming / Deals / Deception Rules

  1. You can accept/offer real money for in-game trades, however you own 100% of the risk and InsanityCraft will not be involved in settling any legal disputes for either party.

    1. We do not support or recommend such trades
    2. Money spent/given to other players will not be considered when making any decision for the benefit or future of the server.
    3. If you do choose to pay real money for an item from someone, we advise getting confirmation and proof of their possession of the item(s) in question prior to the trade. If you accept the terms of a deal and the player doesn’t have the in-game resources to satisfy the trade, we will not spawn them in for you. If they are proven to have the item, staff may be able to get it from them regardless of their online status.
  2. Any deal made for in-game things on the server must have clear screenshots of the agreed deal prior to its occurrence for it to be enforceable by staff.

    1. This must include: specific item names, specific dates when items will be provided or returned, specific and clearly stated cost, clear identification of the player on our server (including their full discord tag which must belong to a player in our discord if the deal is made in discord).
    2. Deals that do not involve "borrowing" and "future return dates" that do NOT specify a time when that deal will be fulfilled will be assumed to require fulfillment in under 15 minutes. For example, if you make a deal to purchase someone a rank for in game cash and do NOT specify when you will be purchasing the rank or sending the money, it is assumed you will do it within 15 minutes and will be considered scamming if there are delays or lack of further communication.
    3. Staff will not search through logs for the required proof, only to verify what you have provided.
    4. We will not uphold deals involving intangible assets. For example, if you are trading money for a rank, or items for another item etc, these are all tangible assets and have the potential to be enforced. But if you are doing something like trading money / in-game items for a promise to not do something, we will not enforce this.
    5. Staff will only enforce the base deal. We do not enforce any interest agreements.
    6. If the deal involves the future repayment of money/items and the user does not have the required resource to repay it, we will not create the asset for you.


Payment / Store Rules

  1. Issuing or threatening to issue a chargeback or any form of legal action against InsanityCraft will result in a permanent ban from the entirety of the network.

  2. Logging in to the InsanityCraft store under another player’s username is not allowed. If you wish to buy something for another player, login as yourself and use the “Gift this package” option on the store.


Voting Rules

  1. Use of any means to allow you to get more than the intended votes within 24 hours is not allowed. The intended number of votes is equal to the current number of vote sites listed on the InsanityCraft website and through /vote in game.

  2. Entering a different name to your own when voting is not allowed.

  3. You must be online for the specific server you want rewards on when voting for them to count. IC is not responsible for the functionality of the vote sites. Compensation for votes received will only be provided if it is shown that the player was online at the time and the server received the vote for them.

  4. Using an alt account / IP to receive more than the intended votes per day is not allowed


Command Rules

  1. Changing your nickname or IGN to impersonate another player or staff is not allowed. This is based on staff discretion and is applicable regardless of the player’s activity or punishment status.

  2. Use of staff colours or colour codes for nicknames and chat is not allowed. The goal here is to not have player messages confused for staff messages at a glance.

    1. Use of only staff colours (&6 and &b) for your nickname is not allowed. Mixed colours are allowed.
    2. Use of only or predominantly staff colours (&b, &e, and &3) as your chat colour is not allowed. Predominance is determined by staff discretion.

InsanityCraft Survival Rules

These rules, on top of the Global rules, apply to the Survival realms on InsanityCraft


Build Rules

  1. Death traps for players are not allowed. This includes any mechanic that causes a player to die that they have not previously agreed to (for example, being in /warp PVP is an agreement to the chance of dying or doing a parkour with clearly labeled chances of death upon failure).

  2. Griefing any build that you did not make is not allowed, this includes but is not limited to the following situations:
    Note: Do not repair any grief yourself. Report the issue and location and allow staff to reverse the damage or nothing can be done.

    1. Breaking blocks, placing blocks, or taking items in/from unclaimed builds or containers. Does NOT apply to unclaimed Minecraft generated structures like Strongholds or Pillager Towers. It is meant to cover items players have made or modified.

    2. Breaking or adding to builds in a claim you’re trusted in if the claim owner explicitly told you not to.

    3. Bypassing private container protections by any means.

    4. Claiming builds or containers of other players, regardless of the reason.

    5. Intentionally disrupting someone’s build (subject to staff discretion of intent to disrupt vs legitimate building). This includes lavacasting outside a claim.

  3. Nether portal trapping is not allowed.

  4. Intentional griefing (subject to staff discretion) of the end is not allowed


PvP Rules

  1. No toxicity allowed about PVP.

  2. Bypassing restricted commands or behaviors in PVP is not allowed. 

    1. If you feel a command should be restricted, open a Suggestion ticket on Discord.
  3. Bringing or using pets in PVP arenas is not allowed.

  4. Any glitch or exploit to get an unfair advantage in combat is not allowed.

  5. Teleporting players without their knowledge of where the teleport leads to them potentially being killed is not allowed.

  6. Any PVP activities outside of designated PVP areas are not allowed (such as crystal or anchor explosions in the overworld) based on staff discretion.


Scamming / Deals / Deception Rules

  1. Scamming or lying to players about in-game things is not allowed. This includes selling people items with false or misleading information.

  2. Any items taken from a player via McMMO skills, plugin mechanics, or accidental drops by the player must be returned upon request. 

  3. Selling demo minions without the purchaser explicitly understanding that it is a demo minion with a limited lifespan is not allowed. It is the seller’s responsibility to ensure valid proof is captured. Simply relying on them to look at a tooltip in chat or in any sales area is insufficient proof.


Command & Spawned Item Rules

Note: Spawned items are any item that you get from using a command in game or via the creative menu. Methods of obtaining items that count as spawned items includes, but is not limited to: /skull, /kits, or /gmc. When “given to” is referenced, it means any way of going to another player including giving, selling, trading, loaning, allowing access to unprotected chests/item frames/armor stands.

  1. Spawned items cannot be given to another player for any reason. This does not apply to "digital" rewards like experience, fishing entropy, etc.

  2. Player skulls can only be given to another player if they have the “Killed by [playername]” lore on them. If it is removed for any reason, it is no longer eligible to be sold.

  3. Spawned items cannot be sold to the server or any player shops.

  4. Creative Mode (/gmc) restrictions

    1. Use of /gmc to duplicate items for use in /gms is considered a significant infraction and can result in the loss of your ability to use /gmc.
    2. Use of /gmc to build for a player without access to /gmc is not allowed unless it’s also clearly your build as well, based on staff discretion.
    3. Sale or giving away of any build made with /gmc to a player without access to /gmc is not allowed.
  5. Keys obtained from any /kit command (such as /kit mystery or /kit mysteryplus) and the prizes won from these keys cannot be given to another player.

  6. Any items with the “Property Of” lore on them cannot be given to other accounts. The server will automatically delete these items and they are not replaceable. This includes any old items that would have that lore now (such as the Green survival rank pickaxes or any old kit items). This does NOT apply to items from kit vouchers.

  7. You MAY give items to other players if you win items from crates so long as those keys weren't from a kit/kit prize, get vouchers from quests, directly purchase on the online shop, or earned from events.

  8. Use of rank commands for a player that does not have access to that specific command is not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to:

    1. Using /rename for players without the permission. If you want to give a player an item that has been renamed with the command, it must be renamed in an anvil or restored to its original name (for crate items) before it can be given out to someone without the command.
    2. Using /fix or /enchant for players without that permission.
    3. Using /espawner for a player without permission for that specific mob.
    4. Using /skull for a player without permission to use the command.
  9. Use of any command to troll another player (such as /v or /d) is not allowed.

  10. Grinding at rank-restricted locations (such as /warp wither or /warp drowned) for lower ranked players is not allowed.

  11. Selling items directly to the Black Market for players without access is not allowed.

    1. Note: Players ARE allowed to set up player shops to buy items from a player with the intent to resell them to the Black Market so long as they are purchasing from players for more than the default shop amount.

InsanityCraft Skyblock Rules

These rules, on top of the Global rules, apply to the Skyblock realms on InsanityCraft


Build Rules

  1. Death traps for players are not allowed. This includes any mechanic that causes a player to die that they have not previously agreed to (for example, being in /warp PVP is an agreement to the chance of dying or doing a parkour with clearly labeled chances of death upon failure).

  2. Griefing any build that you did not make is not allowed, this includes but is not limited to the following situations:
    Note: Do not repair any grief yourself. Report the issue and location and allow staff to reverse the damage or nothing can be done.

    1. Breaking builds on an island without the owner’s express permission.
    2. Adding to builds on an island when the owner has asked you explicitly not to.
    3. Bypassing private container protections by any means.
    4. Privating another player’s chest without their permission.
    5. Lavacasting with the intent to disrupt an island’s build (subject to staff discretion)


PvP Rules

  1. No toxicity allowed about PVP.

  2. Bypassing restricted commands or behaviors in PVP is not allowed. 

    1. If you feel a command should be restricted, open a Suggestion ticket on Discord.
  3. Bringing or using pets in PVP arenas is not allowed.

  4. Any glitch or exploit to get an unfair advantage in combat is not allowed.

  5. Teleporting players without their knowledge of where the teleport leads to them potentially being killed is not allowed.

  6. Any PVP activities outside of designated PVP areas are not allowed (such as crystal or anchor explosions in the overworld) based on staff discretion.


General Skyblock / Island Rules

  1. Inviting someone to your island with the purpose of stealing their value and kicking them is not allowed. This determination is based on staff discretion.

  2. Sabotaging players during server events (such as the Dragon or Warden) is not allowed. The events must be focused on defeating the challenge, not interfering with other players. Interference must be reported with clear evidence subject to staff review.

  3. Items and blocks (including spawners) placed on an island become the property of the island and are not eligible for return unless the island owner is in active agreement. Owner absence is NOT an exception to this.

  4. For an island to be eligible to win an ISTop reward, it must have shown continuous and adequate growth and mission completion that equates to the island’s value since the creation of the island. Note: whether an island satisfies this rule is entirely at Senior Staff discretion and the decision is final once reached. Violations do not need to be reported via a ticket as staff will assess the winning islands prior to each payout. If you are concerned about the eligibility of YOUR island, you may open a ticket for review.

  5. Removing value from an island bank and giving to other islands without the island owner’s permission is not allowed.


Scamming / Deals / Deception Rules

  1. Scamming or lying to players about in-game things is not allowed. This includes selling people items with false or misleading information.

  2. Any items taken from a player via McMMO skills, plugin mechanics, or accidental drops by the player must be returned upon request. 

  3. Selling demo minions without the purchaser explicitly understanding that it is a demo minion with a limited lifespan is not allowed. It is the seller’s responsibility to ensure valid proof is captured. Simply relying on them to look at a tooltip in chat or in any sales area is insufficient proof.


Command & Spawned Item Rules

Note: Spawned items are any item that you get from using a command in game. Methods of obtaining items that count as spawned items includes, but is not limited to: /skull, /kits, or /gmc. When “given to” is referenced, it means any way of going to another player including giving, selling, trading, loaning, allowing access to unprotected chests/item frames/armor stands.

  1. Spawned items cannot be given to another player for any reason. This does not apply to "digital" rewards like experience, fishing entropy, etc.

  2. Player skulls can only be given to another player if they have the “Killed by [playername]” lore on them. If it is removed for any reason, it is no longer eligible to be sold.

  3. Spawned items cannot be sold to the server or any player shops.

  4. Keys obtained from any /kit command (such as /kit mystery or /kit mysteryplus) and the prizes won from these keys cannot be given to another player.

  5. Any items with the “Property Of” lore on them cannot be given to other accounts. The server will automatically delete these items and they are not replaceable. This includes any old items that would have that lore now (such as the Green survival rank pickaxes or any old kit items). This does NOT apply to items from kit vouchers.

  6. You MAY give items to other players if you win items from crates so long as those keys weren't from a kit/kit prize, get vouchers from quests, directly purchase on the online shop, or earned from events.

  7. Use of rank commands for a player that does not have access to that specific command is not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to:

    1. Using /rename for players without the permission. If you want to give a player an item that has been renamed with the command, it must be renamed in an anvil or restored to its original name (for crate items) before it can be given out to someone without the command.
    2. Using /fix or /enchant for players without that permission.
  8. Use of any command to troll another player (such as /v or /d) is not allowed.

InsanityCraft Factions Rules

These rules, on top of the Global rules, apply to the Factions realms on InsanityCraft


Build Rules

  1. Nether portal trapping is not allowed.

  2. Use of tile entities as a primary base element (enderchests, signs, etc) which cause FPS lag is not allowed. This is subject to staff discretion and may be replaced in whole by staff without warning. Consideration will NOT be given for base defenses if staff replaces the blocks.

  3. Use of printers/easy place mods to defend against PVP or raids is not allowed. These are allowed for building/rebuilding purposes only. For this rule, “Defending” means immediate and close-range defense that has a direct result on the raid/PVP attempt. Violation is considered a significant infraction.


General Factions Rules

  1. Disbanding a Faction will result in the permanent loss of all faction resources (bank, chest, upgrades, shards, etc). Check you’ve used or collected what you can of these before disbanding as they cannot and will not be replaced.

  2. Multiple factions can claim or guard a single base if ALL the following rules are followed:

    1. No unbroken line of claims can have a total shield time over 8 hours, regardless of the reason for the claim(s) or the relationship between the factions.
    2. The area in which spawners are contained in a base cannot be claimed by a faction without a shield if there are conjoined claims of another faction surrounding it that has a shield.
    3. Overclaims fall under the same rules and must be either abandoned, claimed by an unshielded/matching shielded faction, or have the shield changed to match. 
    4. Only one faction may have value placed in a single continuous base of multiple factions. This is subject solely to senior staff discretion.
    5. The dominant faction in the area will be the faction that dictates the shield time in the area. Once determined, all other factions with connected claim(s) must adhere to their shield in that location. It is the non-dominant faction’s responsibility to remain in compliance including changing shields to match the dominant or moving claims if the dominant faction expands.
    6. Note: Staff will determine the faction that is dominant in a specific area using a mix of age, claim size, and use of claims. If they are dominant in one location, that doesn’t automatically deem them dominant in another area.
    7. Note: Claims cannot be illegal in the wilderness chunks surrounding the Warzone
  3. Any instance where FTop is illegally gained, staff will issue the necessary reductions to their FTop at the end of the map. Any such reduction will be announced at the time of decision so it is clearly known. Examples of illegal FTop value can be, but not limited to:

    1. Abuse of a glitch to use mechanics not intended as part of the gameplay
    2. Abuse of rules/methods to prevent a raid on an area with significant FTop value. The significance of the value and raid is up to staff discretion based on the evidence provided. We highly recommend raid recordings to clearly show the issues at hand.
  4. Use of other accounts (not limited to just your alts) to grind (or attempt to grind) player leaderboards is not allowed.

  5. Grinding the /f leaderboards by doing anything that you wouldn't in normal gameplay is not allowed. If you are caught doing this, your stats will be reset and you will be banned from progressing on the leaderboard for that reset cycle OR map


Scamming / Deals / Deception Rules

  1. Scamming or lying to players about in game things is allowed with the following exception:

    1. Scams involving items that can only be obtained for real money or involving real money directly are not allowed.
  2. For staff to get involved in upholding deals or handling a scam situation, both parties must have traded tangible assets. Deals made to enforce behavior (such as no insiding, no trading with other players, etc) are not enforceable by staff in any situation.


Glitches / Exploits / Illegal Activity Rules

Note: Breaking of these rules is considered a significant infraction.

  1. Hitting people behind anything that is protected but can be opened (doors, trapdoors, etc) is allowed. However, using low ping or any other method to hit people behind solid blocks is not allowed. In order to report someone doing this, you must provide clear video evidence. Note: Any non-glitch method of damaging someone behind a wall (creeper eggs on the other side, shooting arrows into the corner of where 2 blocks meet which cause them to phase through slightly etc.) is ALL legal. We only disallow using glitches to remove, or phrase through, a solid block to hit someone behind.

  2. Whilst block glitching is legal in general scenarios, doing this to escape from or aid in any form of combat is not allowed.