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InsanityCraft Wiki

Here you can learn about the many different aspects and features of our servers to ensure you know how to make the most of your experience! Using the navigation panel on the left, you can view our wiki pages for our entire network as well as individual realms that give more specific tutorials unique to that realm!

Useful links:
  • Support through our Discord
  • Browse our online shop for in-game upgrades

Last edited by:
JHarrisabout 1 year ago

Creating The Perfect Staff App


To make your application stand out, it always helps when we know who you are. Building up a good amount of active playtime on the server before applying is definitely recommended. Try to make yourself known as a nice and responsible member of our community because the more good about you, the more likely you will have an advantage over other applicants.

Whilst Creating Your Application

Read each question carefully. Answering wrong because you did not understand / think about the question will impact the application very negatively. Take your time to form sufficient answers that you believe will stand out. It is not always the long answers that are the best. We are looking for someone who has shown they have thought about each question properly and has not just answered with what they think we want to hear. 

Lying on your application is a no-go as it is very easy for us to find this out. If we cannot trust you from your application, we cannot trust you with a staff position.

After Submitting Your Application

You may not get a response for a long time and this is normal. We look at applications intermittently when we are looking for new staff and if you have not got a response, it means you are still in the running. You will get a notification if your application has been rejected. Please do not ask about your application in-game to any staff member. We know it is there and asking about it will guarantee its rejection. Be patient with the process and enjoy your experience on the server in the meantime.

It is also important that your activity on the server remains at a sufficient level from this point on. If your activity is lower than other applicants, we cannot take you on.

Lastly, please make sure you are always following our rules. We cannot bring someone into the staff team to enforce the rules if they cannot stick to them.

I hope this page has helped you with your application and I wish you all the best of luck with submitting it!

Last edited by:
JHarrisabout 1 year ago

Locking Doors / Containers

What Does Locking Do?

Locking a container or a door is a way in which you can prevent unauthorised people from opening them. Maybe you want to be the only one who can open them despite having people trusted on your land. This will allow you to do that.

What Can Be Locked?

You can lock anything that can be used / opened. The list goes on but some examples are: Doors; Chests; Trapdoors; Furnaces; Enchanting tables etc.

How Can I Lock Containers?

Very simply, if you right-click the block with a sign, it will automatically protect it for you. If it has been successfully protected, you will see a sign that says [Private] on the top line followed by your name on the next line. For some containers (like doors and trapdoors), you can right-click the block above (so it does not need to be on the door itself if you want to keep the windows clear). You will know if it works because if it doesn't it won't automatically place the [Private] sign down.

Can I Add Others To My Protection?

Yes, if you wish to add others to the sign in order to use it with you, right-click the sign you wish to add them to and then use /bl [signLine] [playerName]. Please note that the sign line should always be 3 or 4 because you are on line 2. For example, if you wish to add JHarris to your sign, right-click it and use /bl 3 JHarris.

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JHarrisabout 1 year ago

Free Ranks

You can earn free ranks by voting and playing! It is that simple. There are usually 2 or 3 free ranks you can achieve and these can be seen in-game using /rankup. These ranks are all below the donator ranks but offer better perks than the default rank and the free ranks below them. 

In the /rankup GUI, you can also see the perks of these ranks as well as the criteria for unlocking them (which will usually be a certain number of votes and a certain amount of hours played on the server). Let's take the Recruit rank on the Survival realm as an example. It requires 10 votes and 16 hours of playtime. When you hover over it, it will also show you your current votes and playtime so you know how far away you are. When you have reached the correct criteria for the rank, simply click it and you have ranked up!

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JHarrisabout 1 year ago

Free Store Coupons

There are numerous ways in which you can achieve free store coupons. They vary from server to server, however, for the most part they are all the same or similar. Ways in which you can get these coupons could be and the list is not limited to:

  • Winning a payout on one of our realms that offers payouts (like Skyblock and Factions)
  • Completing the quest from your /quests book that awards you a coupon for spending a certain number of hours on the server
  • Winning a giveaway from our /discord server
  • Voting the most amount of times in 1 month and becoming the monthly top voter

For specific realms, there may be more ways to earn coupons too!  Check the NPCs around spawn as they usually give a good insight into features on the server as well as keep an eye out for the automated announcements!

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JHarrisabout 1 year ago

Daily Kits

How Can I Get A Daily Kit?

Everyone gets a daily kit no matter what rank you are! If you use /kits you will be able to see all the free and donator daily kits available on the server. You can use them once every 24 hours and the higher your rank on the server, the better your daily kit will be.

Can I Use The Kits From Lower Ranks?

Everyone will be able to use the default rank kits, however, you cannot use the rank kits for ranks below you. For example, if you are the Immortal rank on our Survival realm, you will only be able to use the default rank kits and the Immortal kit.

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JHarrisabout 1 year ago

Drop Protection

It is very annoying when you accidentally drop and lose an item that is valuable to you. We have something called "Drop Protection" where you can add this to any item you like and it will require you to drop it twice in order to successfully drop it. To add this protection to your item, simply hold the item and use /drops addprotection. You will then notice that the lore contains "Self Protected" at the bottom. If you wish to unprotect this item again, you can use /drops removeprotection whilst holding the item. It is that easy! You can use /drops help to remind yourself of these commands whenever you like.

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JHarrisabout 1 year ago

The Auction House

What Is the Auction House?

The Auction House is a GUI where you can list items for sale and buy other player's listed items. It is a great way of trading with others whilst making a lot of money for items you do not want.

How Do I List Items?

This is easy. Simply hold the item you wish to list and use /ah sell [price]. For example, if you wish to sell 32 TNT for $1000, simply hold the 32 TNT in your hand and use /ah sell 1000You can now view your item on the Auction House!

Can I Remove Items I Listed?

Yes. The method to do this can vary from server to server but on most of our servers, you will be able to click your item to cancel it. Once cancelled, you can retrieve it from the "Expired Items" tab in the bottom left (again this might vary from server to server).

Do Items Automatically Get Removed?

After a certain amount of time, your items will expire and can be collected from the "Expired Items" tab in the bottom left.

I Just Bought Something But Do Not Have It

When you purchase something, head to the "Collect Items" tab in the Auction House. It is likely there.

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JHarrisabout 1 year ago

1v1 Duels

What Is A Duel?

A duel is where you can 1v1 a player with set kits in a special duel arena. The person who sends the request is able to select which kit you both will be using and which arena you will be duelling in. In a duelling match, all perks and unfair PvP advantage bonuses (like McMMO, custom classes etc) are removed so the fight is completely identical. If you are on a realm that logs PvP kills and deaths, these stats do not get affected in duels. You will also not lose any Faction power for dying in a duel on our Factions servers.

Do I Lose My Items?

No. You duel with set kits so after the fight has finished, your original items get restored.

How Do I Send A Duel Request?

You can send someone a request by simply using /duel [player].

After The Duel My Items Did Not Restore!

This is a very uncommon glitch but can be fixed easily simply via relogging.

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JHarrisabout 1 year ago

Custom Tags

What Are Tags?

Tags are cool icons that you can put before your name in chat. They also show things you have achieved on the server in order to have unlocked that tag.

How Do I See All The Tags?

You can bring up the tags GUI using /tags where you can see all the available tags and how you can unlock them.

How Do I Equip A Tag?

Once you have unlocked it, simply open the tags GUI and click the tag you want to equip!

Last edited by:
JHarrisabout 1 year ago


What Are Quests?

You can view your quests using /quests. You will see there are many categories of quests to complete and by clicking on a category and highlighting over a specific quest, you can see how close you are to its completion and the awards you get for doing so. If you complete a quest with a full inventory, the item will drop on the floor for you to pick up.

Is There A Prize For Completing All The Quests?

Yes. On top of the fact you would have won all the prizes from every quest (which can be very good), you will also win the "Tick" tag from your /tags GUI to show that you conquered every quest possible.

Seeing Your Stats And Top Players

You are able to see your own quest stats using /quests-stats and you can also view the people who have completed the most amount of quests (and your overall ranking) using /quests-top.

Last edited by:
JHarrisabout 1 year ago


What Is A Coinflip?

A coinflip is a fun game you can quickly play with another player. The idea is, you send someone a coinflip request of a specific amount of money, and the winner takes all the money and the loser loses it! For example, if JHarris sends KlayaR a coinflip for $100,000 and KlayaR wins, then JHarris would have lost $100,000 and KlayaR would have gained it!

How Do I Send A Coinflip?

Simply use /cf send [player] [amount]. The other player will then have to accept the request with /cf accept [yourName].

Coinflip Stats And Other Commands

You can view your coinflip stats using /cf stats and also view other possible coinflip commands using /cf help.

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JHarrisabout 1 year ago

Custom Fishing

What Is The Custom Fishing?

This fishing addon brings a whole set of new features to the server in order to enhance fishing and take it to the next level. From custom fish that sell for high prices, to fish tournaments, to getting custom enchants on your fishing rods. It has it all! Let's get into it.

How Do I Get Started?

To open up the fishing menu, hold a rod and shift-click or use /fish menu. To begin fishing like a pro, every great fisher needs a trusty fishing rod. The recommended starting enchantments are Luck of the sea, Lure, Mending, and Unbreaking. 

Once you have a rod, you can simply start catching fish. You will notice that sometimes you will catch custom fish! The best biome for catching higher-tier fish is the Jungle biome, however, if you have the "Biome Disruption" augment on your rod, it doesn't really matter. I will go over the augments further in this tutorial.

What Do The Different Options In the Fish Menu Do?

Inside the /fish menu you will notice many different options to choose from. I will go over each below:

  • Fish Sell Shop - This is the shop you use to sell your custom fish for in-game money. You can sell vanilla and custom fish here and can be accessed quickly using /fish shop.
  • Deliveries - This is the quest system for the plugin. It can help with leveling up and gaining entropy quicker. Entropy is basically a form of fishing currency that can be used to upgrade specific features and purchase augments for your rod. Deliveries give a range of rewards including fishing crates and other cool things when you complete what it requires. This can be accessed quickly using /fish deliveries.
  • Codex - The codex menu allows you to view the wide range of custom fish that the plugin has. It can be accessed using /fish codex.
  • Scales - The scales menu is used to weigh the fish. It comes with the risk of weighing in less than its original weight, and therefore selling for less, but can help improve the selling price of your fish. It can be accessed using /fish scales.
  • Fish Bag - The fish bag menu is used to view the statistics of what fish you have caught and saved for later. It can be used like a portable chest for fish and a larger menu for selling fish without the specific fish boost found in the sell shop. It can quickly be accessed using /fish bag.
  • Gutting Station - The gutting station is the menu that allows you to sell your fish for entropy. This can be quickly accessed using /fish gut.
  • Fishing Skills - The skill points menu is where you can either upgrade or unlock skills that provide boosts in your fishing experience. Hover over the items in this menu to see what each skill does. You can access this quickly using /fish skills.
  • Augments - The augments menu is how you access the augment list and a few other options such as: Putting augments onto your rod (explained further on); Removing augments from your rid; Extracting entropy into your inventory etc. To bring up this GUI quickly you can use /fish augment and for a list of all the augments and what they do you can use /fish augments.
  • Totem - This menu shows you exactly how to build a fishing totem and gives information on what it does. Once built, right-click the bottom observer with a fishing rod and you will need to gather items to activate it. Once activated, you will have your own totem (more information about what these do further on). Each player can only have 1 totem.

What Is A Totem?

A totem is a multi-block structure that, once built, can be activated to give perks and can also be upgraded (see the above section for information on building and activating the totem). The possible upgrades are:

  • Totem Radius - Upgrades the range of the totems' effects / abilities.
  • Active Time - Upgrades the duration of the totem's effects / abilities.
  • Cooldown Reduction - Decreases the cooldown between each usage of the totem.
  • Passive Slots - Increases the number of passive slots you can allocate to your passives (explained next).

The possible passive perks of the totem are:

  • Mythical Waters - When fishing within the range of the totem, this will give a chance for the fish to be upscaled.
  • Experienced Fisherman - This will increase the amount of fishing experience you receive whilst fishing within the range of the totem.
  • Fish Schools - This will cause the "Hot Spot" augment to activate more frequently as long as you have it on your fishing rod and are within the totem's range.
  • Little Critters - This will give you a higher chance to get crab loot from killing crabs (explained further on) within the range of the totem.
  • Treasure Hunter - This will give you a chance to find a range of random items whilst fishing within range of your totem.
  • Star Fall - This will give you a chance to create a lightning bolt that summons a strong fish. You must kill it to be rewarded with loot and entropy.
  • Entropy Hoarder - This will give you more entropy from catching fish within the range of the totem.

Also note that you are able to break your totem and rebuild it elsewhere without having to upgrade it again for a second time. It will give you a special item once broken.

What Are Augments?

Augments are pretty much custom enchantments you can put on your rod. Augments have to be crafted in order to get them and their ingredients can be found in the /fish augments menu. To craft an augment, drop all the required ingredients into a cauldron (filled with water) and then right-click it with a rod! You will then receive the augment which can be placed on your rod in the /fish augment menu! Even though you can view all the augments and what they do inside the /fish augments menu, here is a brief outline of them:

  • Hot Spot - Gives you a chance to get more than one fish per catch.
  • Call of the Storm - Gives you a chance to catch more fish while it is raining.
  • Saturate - Gives you a random chance to refill hunger when catching fish.
  • Sage - Gives you more fishing XP whenever you catch a fish (XP is used to level up your fishing level which is needed to craft certain augments etc).
  • Biome Disruption - Gives you a chance to catch random fish from other biomes when fishing.
  • Precision Cutting - Gives you more entropy from gutting fish in the gutting station.
  • Crab Bait - Gives you a higher chance to catch crabs whilst fishing.
  • Intellect - Gives you more EXP from catching fish.
  • Perception - Gives you more entropy from catching custom fish.
  • Trophy - Gives you a higher chance to profit from the fish scales.
  • Solar Rage - Gives you more money when selling fish in the fish shop.
  • Master Fisherman - Gives you a higher chance to catch higher-tier fish. 

Possible Custom Items / Mobs

Below is a list of all the possible custom mobs and items that are included in this fishing addon:

  • Crabs - Crabs are renamed silverfish that can be fished up at a base chance of 5% (without the crab bait augment) and can be killed to get crab claws.
  • Entropy Crystals - These items are used to carry entropy in the form of an inventory item. They consist of 10,000 entropy per item and can be received from the /fish augment menu.
  • Crab Claws - Used to craft augments and is dropped at a base chance of 20% from crabs.
  • Dolphin Tails - Used to craft augments and is dropped at a base chance of 70% from dolphins.
  • Squid Tentacles - Used to craft augments and is dropped at a base chance of 10% from squids.
  • Platinum Lure - Received from deliveries, this is used to lure platinum fish to your rod.
  • Mythical Lure - Same as a platinum lure but for mythical fish.Crab Lure - Same as the other lures but boosts crab catch chance.
  • Entropy Booster - Received from deliveries and boosts the amount of entropy you get from catching fish.
  • Crates - Received from deliveries and has a chance to drop a range of custom items.
  • Eternal Orb - Received from deliveries and is used to reset the totem's cool-down.

I hope this tutorial has given a great insight into our custom fishing. If you have any questions about it, you can also feel free to open a ticket on our Discord!

Last edited by:
JHarrisabout 1 year ago

Survival Server Tutorial

What Is Survival?

Survival is just normal Minecraft with nice quality-of-life features. There is no "goal" of the server other than to find land, gather resources, and build whatever you desire! There is no limit to what you can build. Play with your friends or play by yourself, it is entirely up to you!

Finding Free Land To Build On

The world is very large. Finding a free space might seem tricky but it is actually very easy. You are able to use the command /wild which will teleport you to a random, unclaimed location! You can continue doing that command until you find a space you are happy to create your first build on!

Protecting Your Land

You'll definitely want to protect your land so no one else except you and those you trust can build there. We have a great guide for claiming land. Simply click here to be taken to it!

Free Items

Our /store contains a range of items that you can purchase to help you on your journey. There is, however, a section called "Free Items" which will allow you to get basic building materials for free whenever you like! This will help you constantly be able to build no matter the materials you have on you.

Hopefully you understand more about our Survival server and how to get started. There are more tutorials on this Wiki that go over a lot of unique features we have on the server so definitely check them out!

Last edited by:
JHarrisabout 1 year ago

Land Claiming

Why Do I Need To Claim Land?

Claiming the land that you build on is essential to ensure that only you and those you trust can build there. Without a claim, anyone can come and edit your builds. However, that is against the rules so if this ever happens to you feel free to open a ticket and staff will undo the damages!

Getting Started

You'll first need the land claiming shovel. This is the tool that you will use to claim a new spot of land. Simply use /kit claiming and you will receive the golden claiming shovel as well as a tutorial book. You are able to do this whenever you like. Once you have the shovel, the goal is to select two opposite corners (it doesn't matter the Y value of them) that surround the area you want to build in. Select corner 1 by right-clicking a block with the shovel. Once you've done this, it will tell you to select corner 2. Do this in the exact same way. Go to the opposite corner and right-click that block too! Your area is now claimed and you will see it outlined with gold and glowstone. This outline is visual and will disappear shortly. Click here to view a diagram that clearly illustrates what was said in this section.

I Don't Have Enough Claim Blocks!

There may be times when you want to claim some land or expand on an existing claim but you do not have enough claim blocks. You can check how many claim blocks you have using /claimlist. To get more claim blocks, just use /buyclaimblocks [amount]You can buy claim blocks for $1 per block! You can also sell your claim blocks too using /sellclaimblocks [amount]  for $1 per claimblock.

Allowing Friends To Build In Your Claim

If you want other players to be able to build with you in your claims, simply stand in the claim and use /trust [player]. They can now build! If you ever want to remove someone from your claim, just use /untrust [player].

Expanding Your Claim

If your build is getting bigger, you may want to ensure your claim still covers it. This is also really easy. Just stand inside your claim and look in the direction you want to expand it, then use /extendclaim [blocks to extend claim by]. For example, if you wish to expand your claim by 20 blocks, look the direction you want to expand it and use /extendclaim 20. It really is that simple! Be sure you have enough claim blocks to do this though!

Checking If An Area Is Claimed And Viewing A Claim's Borders

If you want to know if an area is claimed, or just want to see the borders of a claim, right-click the block with a stick. This will tell you if it is claimed and, if it is, who owns it. You will also notice glowstone and gold appear. This is temporary and is showing you the borders and corners of the claim!

Finding The Coords Of Your Claims

If you forget to set a home at your claim, you can always find the coords of your claims by using /claimlist.

Last edited by:
JHarrisabout 1 year ago

Custom Classes

What Are Custom Classes?

On most our servers, you will first join in the area where you can select a class. We have 4 custom classes to choose from that all give different perks when playing on the server. The goal is to level them up and max them out to have the ultimate server experience.

Viewing The Perks Of A Class

You can do this easily by using /class. This will bring up a GUI and if you click the far right icon, you will be able to see what every class gets at all 10 of their levels.

Selecting Or Changing Your Class

Simply head over to /classes and walk through the portal of the class you wish to select. You can go here to change classes at any point.

Levelling Up A Class

Leveling up your class requires EXP. This is the normal Minecraft EXP that is used for enchanting. Simply use /class and click the "Level Up" icon! Each class level makes your class even better!

Merging Classes (multiple classes at once)

You are only able to select 1 class at a time. However, you are able to merge classes when they reach level 10. For example, if you are a level 10 Sonic and Magician, you will be able to use the /class GUI to merge them and activate both at once. Don't worry, this is not permanent and you can unmerge classes the same way whenever you like! Max our all your classes to be able to activate them all at once!

Last edited by:
JHarrisabout 1 year ago

Creating Chest Shops

What Are Chest Shops?

Chest shops allow you to create shops in which others can buy and sell items to you without you even being online or having to do any manual work! They are incredibly easy to set up too!

Creating A Chest Shop

Firstly, place a chest and fill it with the item you are looking to buy or sell. The place a sign above the chest with the following format:

  • Line 1: Your in-game-name
  • Line 2: The amount you want to buy or sell per click
  • Line 3: The buy and sell price. You don't need a sell price if you are only looking for players to be able to purchase items from your shop and not sell items to your shop. The format of this line is B [buy price]:[sell price] S if you want to be able to buy and sell. If you just want to sell items, then the format would be B [buy price].
  • Line 4: The item. Sometimes the items are more confusing (like crate keys or spawners). If you are not sure what to put for this line, hold the item that is in your shop and use /iinfo. The line "Shop Sign" is what you want to put for this line OR you can put the item you want to sell in the chest and put a ? on this line.

Click here to view an image of a successfully set up chest shop. In this image, JHarris is selling 1 book for $10 and also buying books for $10. As a player, you can either left-click to buy the book for $10, or right-click to earn $10 by selling your book to JHarris and this shop.

NOTE: Double check the prices and quantities you are entering on your shop at creation. Any errors made will not be reversed by staff as it's up to you to ensure your shops are appropriately set.

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Dramasailorabout 1 month ago

Free Items

Our in-game /store has a section called "Free Items". This contains a bunch of basic, useful materials that you can get for free at any point to help you continue your builds without having to go out and mine for abundant materials. There is no limit to how many items you can take and there is no cooldown either!

Last edited by:
JHarrisabout 1 year ago

The Resource World

Due to our map being finite and not resetting, you'll need a world that does reset to ensure that there are always resources to mine. Our Resource World resets every 24 hours and you can see when the next reset is (as well as get there) by using /worlds. Another way to get there is by simply using /resource. Be sure not to build anything there as it will be gone by the next day!

Last edited by:
JHarrisabout 1 year ago

Skyblock Server Tutorial

What Is Skyblock?

Skyblock is a gamemode where you start on a small island with limited resources and use what is available to expand your island into a mega sky-city in order to build your island's value. Top islands at the end of each month win real-life payouts! You and your friends can choose to be on the same island and compete together, or separate islands and compete against each other. The choice is yours!

Creating Your Island

When you start, you will need to create your island. This can be done by using /is. A GUI with a selection of different starting island themes will pop up. Simply select the island theme that interests you! If you want to view a few different themes, you can simply create an island and then delete it again in order to create another island using /is delete! You cannot have multiple islands at once.

Understanding And Building Your Island Value

Your island's value can be seen on the right of your screen or at the top of your /is value GUI. Inside this GUI, you will also see the blocks that count towards your island's value and how many points each one gives by hovering over them. You will also be able to see how many of that specific block your island has. Very simply, if the coal block is worth 1 point and you have 10 of them, your island's value will be 10 points!

Placing blocks down is not the way to build value. Instead, you actually need to deposit the blocks directly into your /is value GUI. Doing this is easy. Simply use /is deposit all and all the blocks in your inventory that count towards your island's value will be deposited into your island. You can also use /is deposit to view other usages of the command that give you more control (like depositing a specific number and type of block). Once you have deposited blocks into your island, you will notice your island's value would have increased and you will be able to see the blocks inside your /is value GUI! You can also use /is top to view a list of the top 10 islands. 

Earning Crystals To Grow Your Island

Island Crystals are very important to ensure your island grows to be one of the best. You will notice that the blocks that count towards your island's value are very ore / mineral based (like diamonds, emeralds etc). How do you get the money to buy so many ores? What about the ores you cannot directly buy from the /store, how do you get them? This is where you will need spawners. You can purchase a wide variety of spawners from the /store and the best spawners drop minerals and ores of great value. These will help you build your island's value as well as your personal wealth. But notice the spawners cost Island Crystals! So you need to ensure that your island is earning a lot of them every day.

So how do you earn Island Crystals? There are a few methods but let's talk about the main one, your island missions. You can access your missions by using /is missions and these are a group of 12 missions that change and reset every day! It is very unlikely that you will get the exact same set of missions more than once every few weeks. When you hover over a mission, it tells you what you need to do to complete it and your progress towards completion. Each mission you complete will award you 3 crystals. There are 250 crystals to be earned per day by completing missions. If you do not like your missions for the day, you can even use the missions GUI to re-shuffle your current missions and replace them with a fresh set! The 2 other main ways to earn crystals are:

  • Killing the dragon: Every so often a dragon will spawn in the /dragon world. The person who does the most damage after it's death will earn crystals for their island. You can use /nextdragon to view when the next dragon is.
  • Fishing events: Every so often, fishing tournaments are held. The person who fishes up the longest fish within 10 minutes will win crystals for their island. You can use /af next to view when the next fishing tournament is.

Boosters, Permissions, Settings And More

There are loads of different aspects and features to your island. Like boosters that can increase spawning speeds, crop growing speeds etc. Settings that can control if mobs spawn naturally, if TNT does block damage and loads of others. Permissions to let you control who can do what on your island. And so much more. You can view and access all of these simply by using /is. Doing this will bring up a GUI that contains links to all these sub-GUIs for your island.

Happy Hour

Every day, one random and unknown hour will be selected as the "Happy Hour". You won't know which hour this is until it starts and announces it in game. During happy hour, all blocks you deposit in your island's value will give 20% more value. You can use /is happyhour to see if a happy hour is currently on-going.

Island Ghosting

It would be great if your islands could last forever, but unfortunately, they can't! Your island has citizens who live and work there and look up to the members of the island to keep their home running! If every island member goes completely inactive for a specific amount of time, the citizens will leave and the island will "ghost". There are 2 main things that occur when your island becomes a ghost island:

  1. Your island will no longer appear to exist on the server. If you were on the top 10 list, you will no longer be there. No one will be able to visit it, no one will be able to use the warps there. It will be as if the island was deleted. It doesn't matter what position your island was in prior to ghosting or if your island was competing for the best build contest, you cannot claim payouts as a ghost island.
  2. All value that the island has will be completely reset upon ghosting. All the valuable blocks inside the island will be set to 0.

So what type of inactivity are we talking before an island ghosts? Well, every time a member from the island logs in, it will update the island's last activity to the time of their login. An island will ghost when not a single member from the island has logged in for a certain amount of time. The time before ghosting is based on how much value the island has...

  • For islands between 0 and 100k in value, they will ghost after 7 days of no members logging in.
  • For islands between 100k and 5m in value, they will ghost after 14 days of no members logging in.
  • For islands above 5m in value, they will ghost after 21 days of no members logging in.

So let's say you're on an island with 10 members and 20m in value. As long as at least 1 member logs in within 21 days, it will not ghost and the timer will reset!

If your island does ghost, it will unghost when the first member from that island logs back in. Upon unghosting, the island will be loaded back in with all the same settings that it had before but the value will not be restored! Your value is set to 0 when your island ghosts and you must start building value again upon your return.

The Devastation

Each Skyblock map lasts 2 months. When the second month arrives, the Devastation era will fall upon the realm and you need to ensure your island does not collapse to ruination! During this period, islands are able to lose value (something that is not possible during the first month unless an island ghosts). It's now been 30 days of the map and your buildings are becoming old and will start to crumble if not cared for properly. To ensure your island does not crumble, every day throughout the Devastation you will need to complete a certain number of island missions. If you do not complete the required missions for that day, your island will lose some value! Only the active islands who care for their island will prevent it from crumbling to ash.

Your /is missions GUI will now have a new button at the top that will show you how many missions you need to complete for that day and how much value you can lose if not completed. The greater your island's value, the more missions you will be required to complete to not lose value.

Each consecutive day your island does not complete its required missions, the value loss will increase. You can see the expected potential loss for not completing missions here...

  • On the 1st day of failing to complete the required missions, the percentage of value lost will be between 5% and 10%
  • On the 2nd consecutive day of failing to complete the required missions, the percentage of value lost will be between 10% and 15%
  • On the 3rd consecutive day of failing to complete the required missions, the percentage of value lost will be between 15% and 20%
  • On the 4th consecutive day of failing to complete the required missions, the percentage of value lost will be between 20% and 25%
  • On the 5th consecutive day of failing to complete the required missions, the percentage of value lost will be between 25% and 30%
  • On the 6th consecutive day of failing to complete the required missions, the percentage of value lost will be between 30% and 40%
  • Each day after the 6th of failing to complete required missions, the percentage of value lost will be between 40% and 50%

If you complete your required missions for that day, the value loss for the next time you fail to complete them will be reset back to 1-2%. The /is missions GUI will give you all the information you need to make it easy for you.

Hopefully this has given a good insight into how Skyblock works. There are more tutorials on this Wiki that go over other aspects of the server so definitely check them out. We hope you enjoy your time playing Skyblock!

Last edited by:
JHarris6 months ago

Custom Classes

What Are Custom Classes?

On most our servers, you will first join in the area where you can select a class. We have 4 custom classes to choose from that all give different perks when playing on the server. The goal is to level them up and max them out to have the ultimate server experience.

Viewing The Perks Of A Class

You can do this easily by using /class. This will bring up a GUI and if you click the far right icon, you will be able to see what every class gets at all 10 of their levels.

Selecting Or Changing Your Class

Simply head over to /classes and walk through the portal of the class you wish to select. You can go here to change classes at any point.

Levelling Up A Class

Leveling up your class requires EXP. This is the normal Minecraft EXP that is used for enchanting. Simply use /class and click the "Level Up" icon! Each class level makes your class even better!

Merging Classes (multiple classes at once)

You are only able to select 1 class at a time. However, you are able to merge classes when they reach level 10. For example, if you are a level 10 Sonic and Magician, you will be able to use the /class GUI to merge them and activate both at once. Don't worry, this is not permanent and you can unmerge classes the same way whenever you like! Max our all your classes to be able to activate them all at once!

Last edited by:
JHarrisabout 1 year ago

Creating Chest Shops

What Are Chest Shops?

Chest shops allow you to create shops in which others can buy and sell items to you without you even being online or having to do any manual work! They are incredibly easy to set up too!

Creating A Chest Shop

Firstly, place a chest and fill it with the item you are looking to buy or sell. The place a sign above the chest with the following format:

  • Line 1: Your in-game-name
  • Line 2: The amount you want to buy or sell per click
  • Line 3: The buy and sell price. You don't need a sell price if you are only looking for players to be able to purchase items from your shop and not sell items to your shop. The format of this line is B [buy price]:[sell price] S if you want to be able to buy and sell. If you just want to sell items, then the format would be B [buy price].
  • Line 4: The item. Sometimes the items are more confusing (like crate keys or spawners). If you are not sure what to put for this line, hold the item that is in your shop and use /iinfo. The line "Shop Sign" is what you want to put for this line OR you can put the item you want to sell in the chest and put a ? for this line.

Click here to view an image of a successfully set up chest shop. In this image, JHarris is selling 1 book for $10 and also buying books for $10. As a player, you can either left-click to buy the book for $10, or right-click to earn $10 by selling your book to JHarris and this shop.

Last edited by:
Dramasailorabout 1 year ago

Factions Server Tutorial

What Is Factions?

Factions is a team-based raiding game. The idea is you create teams called "Factions" and work together to build your own Faction's value whilst also raiding other Factions to destroy their value. How you raid other Factions and build your own value is soon to be mentioned!

Your Personal Power

Each player has their own personal power. This is important for the Faction as it allows you to be powerful enough to keep your Faction land from being overclaimed (explained in more detail soon). To see your current power and max power, use /f pow. As a free rank, your maximum power will be 10. The higher your rank, the higher your max power (check out the shop to see each rank's max power). You increase by 0.2 power every minute until you are at your maximum. However, every time you die, you will also lose 2 power (unless you are in a duel or /warp pvp). The lowest your power can drop to is -10.

Faction Land And Power

If you do /f show, it will show you a lot of information about your Faction. What we first want to focus on is the line that says Power. This has 2 numbers. The first number is the current power of all your Faction members added up. The second number is the maximum power of all your Faction members added up. Next, I want to draw your attention to the line that says Claims. This is very important. The first number is how many claims (1 claim = 1 chunk) your Faction has. A claim is also known as your Faction "land". To claim land, you can use /f claim. So let's say you have claimed 7 chunks of land, the first number of the Claims line will say 7. Simple! The second number is the maximum power of every member in your Faction combined (again, it's the same as the max power in the Power line). You cannot claim more land than you have max power in your Faction. Let's say your Faction consists of 10 newbies, your Faction's max power will be 100.

Here is where each member's personal power starts to get important. If your Faction's current total power (the first number in the Power line) drops LESS than the number of claims you have, your Faction can be overclaimed without needing to be raided until your Faction's power is greater than the number of claims you have again. It is a simple as another Faction just using /f claim whilst standing in one of your claims and they can just claim it from you. You might have had enough power to claim your land originally, but remember that when a Faction member dies, they lose power. So let's say that your Faction has 15 claims and everyone's current power adds up to 20, this is great, you can't be overclaimed. But let's say 1 member dies over and over and their power drops by 8, then your Faction's current power will be 12, and therefore 3 claims in your Faction can be overclaimed until the power builds back up above 15.

TL;DR: Make sure your Faction's current power does not drop below the number of claims you're Faction has, else the land can be overclaimed until your power is bigger than the number of claims you have again.

How To Build Faction Value

It is very simple. Spawners that are inside your Faction's land will earn you value. Simply place down a spawner and it will start building value slowly up until it has reached its maximum value. It will take a week to get there. To get spawners and also see how much value they will earn you (in total AND per hour), just head over to the spawners section of the /store. You can see your Faction's current value by using /ftop [faction]. You can also view the current top Factions by using /ftop (which you can also scroll through the pages for by using /ftop [page]). Remember that FTop values only update every 60 minutes, so you may not see immediate results after placing spawners! It is important to note that if you ever break a spawner (even to break and replace it), or it gets raided, then ALL the value that the spawner has gained will be lost. If you place back the spawner, the value will start increasing again from 0 as if it were newly placed.

How To Raid

Raiding is the main concept of Factions. You cannot always rely on another Faction's power dropping below their amount of claims because 1) Some Factions are very good at and not letting that happen and 2) Sometimes a Faction is too big and it would take ages of consistent killing to drop their power low enough. Therefore, you need to think about getting into a Faction's base by use of 3 main methods:

  • Creeper eggs: As you might know, you are unable to build in another Faction's land. However, you can place down creeper eggs and explosions are always enabled. So if you manage to get inside someone's base, you can use creeper eggs and throwable creeper eggs to raid. HOWEVER.... Creeper eggs cannot destroy high durability blocks like obsidian, endstone etc. And a lot of the time, you will see the walls of a Faction being made out of obsidian. So how do you get inside? This is where you will need to use cannons or withers. They will be outlined next. But if you see a Faction base where the walls are not a high durability block, like cobblestone, you can go ahead and creeper egg right on in.

  • Cannons: TNT breaks all high durability blocks in a certain amount of hits. For obsidian it is 3 hits of TNT. You can right click a block with a feather to see how many hits it needs before breaking. Of course, you cannot place down TNT in a Faction's land, which means you need to fire it at the wall.... CANNONS! On our server, we only allow simplistic style cannons. How do you know if it is simplistic? Because if it is, it will work. If it is not, it will break or simply not work. So try some different styles out! Below I have given links to simple cannon tutorials and what types of wall they can be used to break.

    • Most simple cannon (just TNT)
      This cannon simply fires TNT at a wall. It can be used to break walls made of high durability blocks as long as the wall does NOT have water covering it. If water is covering the wall, it will not break the blocks behind the water. Click me to see a video tutorial.

    • Sand and TNT cannon
      This cannon will allow you to break Faction base walls that are covered in water. The idea of this cannon is that it shoots TNT and sand at the same time. The sand will stack up against the base wall until it is the perfect height. When it is the right height, the next shot will put the TNT inside the sand so they will both hit the wall at the same block (and the same time) allowing the sand to temporarily remove the water where the TNT explodes, therefore hitting the block behind the water. There is no video tutorial but click me for a great image. If you copy it exactly (with 9 maxed repeaters until the final TNT) it should work fine.

      The above tutorials are very simplistic designs and you can do your own googling for different ones to use

  • Withers: Withers are the most powerful method of raiding. They will destroy every block in their path and can be used to quickly rip a faction to shreds. However, mastering wither raiding is not easy. There are many great online tutorials to help you do so. Furthermore, it is very hard to get the materials to build withers. You'll need to grind in the Nether for wither skeleton skulls. The idea is that you learn to control where the wither goes without letting it die. By forcing the wither into the walls of the faction, it will break them.

Hopefully this has given a good insight into how Factions works. There are more tutorials on this Wiki that go over how to activate a shield that will make your base unraidable for numerous hours every day so definitely check them out!

Last edited by:
JHarrisabout 1 year ago

Faction Shields

What Is a Faction Shield?

A Faction Shield is a system that allows you to protect your base from being raided for 8 hours every day. It allows you to be offline without having to worry about your base being breached. Let's say your shield is set from 5pm (all times are UK time), then between 5pm and 1am every day, TNT and creepers cannot damage blocks in your Faction's land.

How Do I Set Up My Shield?

This is very easy. Simply use /f shield and use the buttons to change the "Selected Time" to the hours you wish to protect your Faction for and click to set it.

Can My Shield Be Changed Once Set?

Yes. You can change it in /f shield again. You will see your current shield time there and the selected time. Change the selected time to the new time and click to change it! It is important to note that changing your shield takes 24 hours to actually change.

Can I View Other Faction's Shields?

You can view any Faction's shield time using /f shield [faction].

Last edited by:
JHarrisabout 1 year ago